
Do People Not Understand How Inflation Works?: Californians to Vote on $18 minimum Wage, Workers Already Want $25 or More

In 2016, California enacted a law to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2022, celebrated as a victory for workers. Now, just two years later, voters face Proposition 32, which would increase the minimum wage to $18, but without the same enthusiasm. Inflation has already raised the wage to $16.50 by January 2024, and many cities have set even higher minimums. While some labor groups and workers advocate for the increase, others, including some economists, believe it doesn’t go far enough to address the high cost of living. Opposition from business groups focuses on concerns about increased labor costs leading to higher prices and reduced employment opportunities, particularly in industries like restaurants. The measure is seen as a small step forward, but many agree it falls short of providing a living wage in California’s expensive economy.

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