
UC Davis Aquaculture Cooperative Extension Request for Research Participants

Research Request 

The UC Davis Aquaculture Cooperative Extension is conducting a research project investigating antimicrobial products in aquaculture and is searching for industry members to participate in a guiding workgroup. Specifically, 2-3 individuals with expertise in shellfish, finfish, or seaweed aquaculture.


The Project 

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is funding this research conducted by UC Davis and in collaboration with members of the CDFA Antimicrobial Use and Stewardship (AUS) program.

This project has three main objectives; 

(1) Study the role that antimicrobial products play in aquaculture and produce a literature review.

(2) Characterize the types and frequency of antimicrobial products used by California’s aquaculture industry via mail-survey

(3) Develop and distribute extension documents detailing proper antimicrobial product use, alternatives, and other relevant information.


The Workgroup

This will consist of aquaculture and antimicrobial experts from academia and regulatory agencies, CDFA AUS personnel, and active aquaculture industry members. The purpose is to provide input regarding the nature and extent of antimicrobial use in aquaculture and to critique documents produced as a result of this research.


Workgroup Commitments

Participation in 5 meetings. The exact dates and times of these meetings will be determined at a later date but will generally take place towards the end of the indicated month.

Meeting 1 – (Mar. 2021). The objectives and overall goals of this research will be discussed. Characterize California’s aquaculture industry and discuss antimicrobial use within each aquaculture production system. Gather input concerning the content to be included in the upcoming industry survey.

Meeting 2 – (Apr. 2021). Review and critique the industry survey. This survey will address general aquaculture practices and situations that warrant the use of an antimicrobial product, as well as gather more detailed information on diseases and methodologies relevant to each aquaculture production system. Survey questions will be assessed based on their clarity and ability to extract the intended information.

Meeting 3 – (Sep. 2021). Critique the literature review. A scoping review of antimicrobial products in aquaculture relevant to California will be written and feedback from the workgroup is requested.

Meeting 4 – (Mar. 2022). Critique survey report. Once the surveys have been returned and the data analyzed, a report of the results will be produced and reviewed.

Meeting 5 – (Mar. 2023). Critique guideline document and extension materials. The complete guidelines, reference documents, and other extension materials will also be passed to the workgroup for feedback and critique.


If you are an active shellfish, finfish, or seaweed aquaculture producer and are interested in assisting in this research project, please reach out to:

Dr. Jackson Gross ( 984-0975)

Alex Wright ( 893-2479)

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