
New Calculator Helps Oyster Growers Measure the Water Quality Benefits of Farms

The new tool provides a science-based estimate of how much nitrogen oyster farms remove from local waterways. It generates a report that can be used in the aquaculture permitting process.

Shellfish, especially oysters, are vital in removing excess nutrients like nitrogen from waterways through their filter-feeding habits, helping to prevent harmful algae blooms, low oxygen levels, and fish kills. The NOAA Milford Lab studies these environmental benefits, termed “ecosystem services.” To assist oyster growers in quantifying the nitrogen removal by their farms, NOAA created an Aquaculture Nutrient Removal Calculator. This online tool provides science-based estimates of nutrient removal, which can be used in regulatory applications.

Growers input data like the number and size of oysters at harvest, farm location, and culture methods. The tool also generates reports on ecosystem services that can be used for public interest reviews and state permits. The tool was built using data from various institutions across the U.S. Northeast and is open to feedback from the shellfish community. Future updates will include phosphorus removal estimates and habitat benefits for fish.

NOAA aims to expand the tool’s scope to other shellfish species and regions like the Gulf of Mexico. The project was funded by NOAA’s Office of Aquaculture, and a workshop on the tool is scheduled for November.

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