
What’s California on the verge of banning now? Octopus farming

A bill that would make California the first state to ban commercial octopus farming is still alive in the Legislature. Animal rights activists say the practice is inhumane.

California lawmakers are advancing a bill, Assembly Bill 3162, to ban commercial octopus farming and the sale of farmed octopus in the state. If passed, California would be the first state to enact such a ban. The bill, co-authored by Assemblymembers Steve Bennett and Laura Friedman, has already passed the Assembly and is now awaiting a Senate vote. The bill was inspired by activist concerns about the inhumane treatment and environmental impact of octopus farming, especially as experiments are underway in countries like Spain, Mexico, and China. The proposed ban comes before the industry has begun in California, aiming to prevent it from taking root. Similar legislation is being considered in other states and at the federal level. Advocates hope that by taking a strong stand, California can influence other regions and countries to reject octopus farming.


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