
Pacific Northwest Indigenous Aquaculture Summit: August 26 – 28, 2024

In partnership, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe (JST) and the Kurt Grinnell Aquaculture Scholarship Foundation (KGASF) invite you to the Northwest Indigenous Aquaculture Summit this coming August 2024 at the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s Seven Cedars Resort. The invitation extends to Tribal Councils, Staff, Tribal Community Members, and Tribal Students who are interested in, or working in, aquaculture fields. Speakers will include Tribal and non-Tribal experts. We will do our best to subsidize Tribal student participation. The tentative agenda is as follows:

August 26: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Welcome attendees with appetizers and refreshments.

August 27: 8:30am to 5:30pm, Full day meeting and presentations on various aspects of aquaculture of interest to Tribal Members; snacks, lunch and dinner provided.

August 28:  8:30 am to 10:30 am. Wrap up discussion and then optional site visit to aquaculture facilities and operations at: a) JST’s Point Whitney Shellfish hatchery; b) JST’s shellfish production platform (FLUPSY) at the John Wayne Marina; c) NOAA Manchester Research facility to learn about oyster and finfish production; or d) visit to other nearby Tribal Seafood enterprises.

The JST is committed to preserving historic tribal fishing rights and opportunities, including aquaculture — plants, shellfish, and finfish. Tribal Governments and other partners are successfully working together; aquaculture operations can be enriched by blending Indigenous knowledge science perspectives. Our communities and creation are healthier for it. We believe this Summit is a chance to learn from one another and from Tribal and Non-Tribal experts.

We kindly ask you to fill out the Interest Form to assist with our planning. Gauging interest in attendance and topics will allow us to make this summit as meaningful as possible. In the near future, registration will be possible at We will update you on additional information in the near future.

Click Here to Register