
NOAA Fisheries Announces Projects Recommended for 2024 Saltonstall-Kennedy Funding and Specifics on the 2025 Funding Opportunity

NOAA Fisheries announced the 16 projects recommended for funding under the FY2024 Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) Competitive Grants Program and the opening of the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the FY2025 competition. The list of 2024 recommended projects is available now on the S-K webpage and the 2025 application information will be posted on Friday, May 24, 2024.

At this point in the selection process, the application approval and obligation of funds is not final. Each of the applications is being “recommended” for funding. This is not an authorization to start the project and is not a guarantee of funding. Here is the breakdown of funding by region as of today. This regional breakdown may change when the process is final.

  • Alaska: 3 projects for $1,419,590

  • Greater Atlantic: 5 projects for $1,935,162

  • Pacific Islands: 3 projects for $1,100,000

  • Southeast: 3 projects for $997,839

  • West Coast: 2 projects for $997,632

New for the FY25 competition, pre-proposals and full proposals will be submitted to the program under two separate competitions with stand-alone NOFOs. Pre-proposals must be submitted and accepted by the agency in order for applicants to submit to the Full Proposal NOFO.

The FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity will be posted on Friday, May 24, 2024. Read more

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