
AB 2162 Introduced – Shellfish and Seaweed Operations: Marine Restoration Projects

AB 2162 Shellfish and Seaweed Operations: Marine Restoration Projects was recently introduced. Below is a summary of the bill. The full text can be viewed here.

The California Aquaculture Association (CAA) plans to support this bill, and we will continually monitor its progress. As a member of CAA, if you have any comments or questions about this bill, please contact us.


AB 2162, introduced by Papan, aims to pave the way for legislation intended to promote sustainable shellfish and seaweed operations as well as marine restoration projects in California. The bill acknowledges the state’s potential to lead in these areas, highlighting the importance of addressing food sustainability amidst climate change challenges. It emphasizes the disproportionate impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems and communities and underscores the need for diverse aquaculture operations to mitigate these effects while enhancing food security. Additionally, the bill recognizes the role of private sector engagement and the necessity for streamlining permitting processes to accelerate restoration efforts. It emphasizes the demand for environmentally beneficial projects and the potential for restoration initiatives to enhance the resilience of coastal ecosystems. Overall, the bill sets the stage for future legislation to facilitate efficient permitting and support sustainable practices in shellfish and seaweed cultivation and marine restoration.