
Pathways Towards Responsible Aquaculture In California in Moss Landing, Oct 27 – 28

We would like to invite you to attend the 2023 Pathways Towards Responsible Aquaculture in California. This forum will focus on both freshwater and marine aquaculture and will cover a range of topics, including: workforce development, biosecurity, disaster relief, funding opportunities, and future needs of the California aquaculture industry.

When: Friday, October 27th and Saturday, October 28th, 2023
Where: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA

For this forum, California Sea Grant has partnered with: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, California Aquaculture Association, Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association, University of California Cooperative Extension, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the NOAA Fisheries Aquaculture Program in California.

This forum is a free event, with lunch and refreshments provided on both days. California aquaculture products and refreshments will also be provided during a social hour. Due to capacity limitations this event is invitation only, and we ask that you do not share this invite link. However, if you recommend other potential invitees, please reach out to event coordinators. California Sea Grant is providing a limited amount of funds to offset travel expenses for invited participants who would be unable to attend without additional support. Please stay tuned for additional communications on travel fund applications.

The organizing committee has identified you as an important stakeholder with regard to responsible Californian aquaculture and request your attendance. Please reserve your spot through the ticket booking link before October 9th.

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