
Japanese aquafeed producers abandon Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification over use of waste byproducts

Manufacturers belonging to the Japan Fish Feed Association will not meet new Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) feed standards, leaving Japan with only one major fish feed maker that is likely to meet the updated requirements: the Japanese subsidiary of Stavanger, Norway-based Skretting.

The London, U.K.-based ASC launched its new Feed Standard V1.01 on 15 June, 2021, and the standards became effective starting 14 January, 2023, allowing feed mills to apply for certification under the new standard beginning early this year.

In June, The Minato Shimbun newspaper reported that members of the Japan Fish Feed Association, representing most of the aquafeed mills in Japan, will not meet the new standards because its members use fish waste – including trimmings, unsold fish, and other byproducts – collected from distributors and retailers in their production processes…

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