
National Strategy for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Published

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the interagency Ocean Policy Committee (OPC), request information for the development of a National Strategy for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (National Strategy).  The request seeks public input on what the goals and outcomes of the National Strategy should be, and how the Federal Government can best advance sustainable management of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and ecosystems of the United States. OSTP has indicated that this builds on the already released Ocean Climate Action Plan. Please share broadly with your networks.

Comments due August 28, 2023 – Click Here

Sample of Questions in FRN:

• Sustainable Ocean Economy.

What should the national vision and high-level goals be for a sustainable ocean economy? Are there successful regional or local efforts that could be applied nation-wide? What elements or activities do you consider critical to a sustainable ocean economy?

• Ocean, Coasts, and Great Lakes Priorities.

What are your priorities for sustainable management of the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes at a local, state, Tribal, territorial, regional, and/or national scale?

• An Informed and Responsive National Strategy.

Are there gaps in our knowledge of the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes that need to be addressed to support sustainable ocean management? Are there opportunities to improve how we manage the use of marine ecosystems to maximize their benefits while minimizing human impacts on them?

• Additional Considerations.

Is there anything else you would like to be considered in the development of the National Strategy?

Federal Register Notice