
Your Support Needed for Aquaculture Legislation focused on the 2023 Farm Bill

Courtesy of NAA:

Bipartisan support is essential to move aquaculture friendly legislation intended to strengthen the 2023 Farm Bill. The following three topics are attracting support across the aisle; however, more horsepower is needed for each set of bills (i.e., House and Senate companion legislation).

HR 3951 Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems, Livelihoods, and Local Seafood Act (SHELLS) Act
Sponsor: Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR-1)
Co-sponsors: Ed Case (D-HI-1), Frank Pallone (D-NJ-6), Chellie Pingree (D-ME-1), Robert Wittman (R-VA-1)

S 2211 Sustaining Healthy Ecosystems, Livelihoods, and Local Seafood Act (SHELLS) Act
Sponsor: Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Co-sponsors: Angus King (I-ME), Roger Wicker (R-MS)

Senate and House companion bills focused on creating an Office of Aquaculture and associated advisory committee in the US Department of Agriculture.

What needs to be done:

  • Both bills would greatly benefit from additional sponsors.  The NAA recommends members reach out to their Senators and House member and ask for sponsorship. Senator Whitehouse’s lead staffer is Zoe Wong ( and Representative Bonamici’s lead staffer is Morgan McCue (

HR 4127 Fair Access to Agriculture Disaster Programs Act
Sponsor: Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19)
Co-sponsors: Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR-01), Kat Cammack (R-FL-3), Yadira Caraveo (D-CO-08), Jim Costa (D-CA-21), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR-05), John Duarte (R-CA-13), Chuck Edwards (R-NC-11), Scott Franklin (FL-18), Jennifer Kiggans (R-VA-02), Nick Langworthy (R-NY-23), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-18), Austin Scott (R-GA-08), Franklin Scott (R-FL-18), Kim Schrier (D-WA-08), Robert Wittman (R-VA-1)

S xxx Fair Access to Agriculture Disaster Programs Act

The House bill focuses on exempting farms with 75% or more in farm income from an adjusted gross income limitation of $900,000 that prevents aquaculture farms from benefiting from USDA disaster assistance programs (e.g., ELAP, NAP).

What needs to be done:

  • A Senate companion bill has not been introduced. The NAA requests that members reach out to their Senators and ask that they introduce a Senate companion bill.
  • Additional House sponsors are needed.  The NAA requests that members reach out to their Representative and ask the House member to contact Rep. Panetta’s lead staff person Trey Elizondo ( or Rep. Cammack’s lead staff person Christina Lassiter ( to become a sponsor.

HR 3542 Promoting American Competition in Aquaculture Research Act
Sponsor: Jill Tokuda (D-HI-2)
Co-sponsors: Ed Case (D-HI-1), Robert Wittman (R-VA-1)

S xxx Promoting American Competition in Aquaculture Research Act
Sponsor: Mazie Hirono (D-HI)

The House bill is focused on increasing the funding authorization for the five USDA Regional Aquaculture Centers that support farmer directed applied research. Current authorization is $5 million, or $990,000 per Center per year.  The bill will increase authorization to $15 million.  An effort to increase the appropriation (i.e., real money) will occur later when the economy improves.

What needs to be done:

  • A Senate companion bill has not been introduced for lack of a Republican co-sponsor. The NAA requests that members reach out to their Senators and ask that they contact Senator Hirono’s lead staff person Laakea Stone ( to become a co-sponsor.
  • Additional House co-sponsors are needed.  The NAA requests that members reach out to their Representative and ask them to contact Rep. Tokuda’s lead staff person Mitch Heidenreich ( to become a co-sponsor.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact the NAA Office at