
Reviewers Wanted for Piper Redux

Piper Redux is a project to modernize Fish Hatchery Management for current and future generations of fish culturists, is well underway and we need reviewers to critique the following chapters:

Fish Culture Fundamentals
Hatchery & system design consideration
Water quality
Broodstock & spawning
Reproductive control & genetic management
Incubation and post-hatch care
Grow-out and production methods
Nutrition & feeding
Live foods
Fish health management
Drugs, biologics, and other chemicals
Transportation & release of live fishes
Animal welfare
Species Profiles
Atlantic Salmon
Rainbow Trout & Steelhead
Anadromous Pacific Salmon
Other freshwater trouts, chars, & grayling
Ancient fishes
Pikes & pickerels
Whitefishes & shads
Temperate basses
Other freshwater species
Emerging/imperiled species—culturing rare & poorly understood fishes

We need reviewers to help make sure Piper Redux fully meets the needs of practicing fish culturists.  Each chapter must be reviewed to ensure its content is easy to read, useful, and actionable—just like the 1st edition.

You do not need to be a subject matter expert to be a reviewer.   The review process is meant to ensure that the information in each chapter is technically correct, but we are also looking for a ‘gut-check’.  Is the chapter readable and understandable to entry-level fish culturists?  Does it provide the how-to information that fish culturists need at their fingertips?  In other words, does it have the same ‘feel’ as the 1st edition and does it have what it takes to become the go-to resource for the next 40 years of fish culture?  Seasoned fish squeezers, students, and early-career fish culturists are all welcome to help us answer these questions!

Never been a reviewer before?  No worries!  How do you write a constructive review that helps make the manuscript better?  What’s off-limits and what’s fair game?  Where do you even start?  All reviewers will be provided with instructions to guide them through this process.

Ready to step up and be a part of Piper Redux?  If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, please provide your contact information and indicate which chapter(s) you would prefer to review.  All reviewers will be acknowledged for their contributions in the pages of the 3rd edition.  Review a chapter and be a part of history!

VOLUNTEER AS A REVIEWER! If you are interested in reviewing one or more chapters, please provide your contact information and indicate your preferred topics here:

Thank you for your help with Piper Redux!
Jesse Trushenski
Editor, Piper Redux