
CTSA Posts Three Publications Summarizing Current and Prior Applied Research

Courtesy of NAA:

The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture’s (CTSA) mission is to support aquaculture research, development, demonstration and extension education to enhance viable and profitable US aquaculture. Unlike the other Regional Aquaculture Centers, which work within a defined geographical region, the CTSA “region” encompasses tropical and subtropical species wherever they are cultured. Research projects span the American Insular Pacific, using its extensive resource base to meet the needs and concerns of the tropical aquaculture industry.

CTSA has published a 2022 Annual Accomplishment Report. This 100+ page report features full progress reports of ongoing CTSA-supported projects, as well as final reports of projects that were completed during the calendar year.

CTSA has also released Project Impacts – 2022 publication to highlight the accomplishments of the Center and their funded projects. The publication serves as an update to the Project Impacts publication released nearly a decade ago and focuses on the accomplishments and impacts of CTSA projects since 2013.

In an effort to consolidate information for Pacific stakeholders, CTSA has prepared a 2-page summary of each project that was active during 2022. Each summary provides a brief description of the project, as well as the anticipated benefits, impacts, and current progress of the work being done. Click here to download the Summaries.

  • Cultivation of Caulerpa, Codium, and Asparagopsis: Trying to tame three Hawaiian Macroalgae
  • Development of a Sustainable Aquaculture and Fishery for the Mangrove Crab (Scylla serrata Forskall)
  • Establishing cost-effectiveness and efficiency of locally produced feeds and Moi farming technology in the Republic of Marshall Islands
  • Examination of Parasitic Infections in Shrimp Populations in Hawaii and Detection of Pathogens in Commonly Used Shrimp Feeds
  • Improving Live Feeds Production Efficiency: A Bottom-Up Approach to Increase Marine Finfish Aquaculture Yields
  • Improving the Commercial Aquaculture Feasibility for Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens): Resolving Early Bottlenecks to Improve Culture Yield
  • Optimizing coral grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) culture to promote rapid commercialization in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands
  • Partnering public aquariums with aquaculture institutions for rapidly diversifying coral reef fish aquaculture in Hawaii
  • Developing Bivalve Farming in Hawaii
  • Upgrading Black Soldier Fly Larvae Meal for Aquatic Feeds Using a Sustainable Microbial Process
  • Advancing Aquatic Animal Health Diagnostic Testing in Hawaii
  • Design of a Harvesting System for the Marine Polychaete, Marphysa sanguinea
  • Developing a Biofiltration System with Fungal Filters for Sustainable and Economical Harvesting of Microalgae
  • Development of a State-of-the-art Aquaculture and Aquaponic System: Integrating Biochar Filtration and Nanobubble Technology
  • Development of an Immersive Virtual Reality Experience for Increasing Engagement in Aquaculture
  • Herbivorous reef fish Kyphosus vaigiensis: fishpond and commercial potential
  • Improving Forktail Rabbitfish (Siganus argenteus) Production in the CNMI and the Micronesian Region
  • Next Steps in Culture of Native Hawaiian Macroalgae: Scale-up and Market Analysis
  • Targeted Disruption of Fish Embryonic Primordial Germ Cell Development for Enhancing Grow-out Performances
  • Aquaculture Information Services for the Pacific Region
  • Demonstration Aquaponics Unit for Formerly Homeless Village

For additional information or questions, please contact Cheng-Sheng Lee, Ph.D., Executive Director, at