
California Aquaculture Association (CAA) President, Tony Vaught Receives Distinguished Lifetime Contributions Award at Aquaculture America 2023 in New Orleans

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Tony Vaught was awarded the Joseph P. McCraren Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to the Aquaculture Industry Award at Aquaculture America 2023 in New Orleans.

The Joseph P. McCraren Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to the Aquaculture Industry Award honors individuals who have demonstrated commitment to the national aquaculture industry over an extended period. The award is named after Joe McCraren, a long-time U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service aquaculture scientist who helped establish the National Aquaculture Association (NAA) and served as its first executive director.

Vaught has been involved in aquaculture since 1978. He managed the Chico Game Fish Farm until 1985, was general manager of Arrowhead Fisheries from June 1985 until October 1987, then formed a production and consulting firm in the spring of 1988. Over his career he has gained experience in finfish culture, including anadromous and marine species. Most notably, Vaught produced the first domestic striped bass in the Western United States and has been instrumental in developing new techniques for the domestication and spawning of channel catfish and sturgeon as well. He also has extensive experience and knowledge of management and supervisory techniques, international business relations, project development and construction. Vaught has consulted on new and existing aquaculture ventures throughout the world.

He and his team provide marketing and advising services to suppliers to the aquaculture industry.

In the field of restorative aquaculture. He and his team assist private and public lake owners with stocking programs, provides lake management services, as well as assists and supplies state hatchery programs and studies.

Owner of Professional Aquaculture Services (PAS), Vaught is also the current President of the California Aquaculture Association (CAA). He assisted in the merger of the fresh and marine aquaculture associations to form CAA and was involved in early legislation that has guided California aquaculture throughout the years. In addition to serving on the CAA board of directors for the past 40 years, Vaught is also the current Co-Chair of California’s Aquaculture Development Committee (ADC) and has served on numerous industry boards and committees.

Vaught has taught several short courses at California State University, Chico, Butte Community College, and Lassen Community College on the subject of aquaculture.

Please join us in recognizing Tony Vaught for the 2023 Joseph P. McCraren Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to US Aquaculture!