
CAA’s Influence on CDFW Statutes Over the Years

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A message from California Aquaculture Association (CAA) President, Tony Vaught:

Often we forget the work done by those in the past, when California’s aquaculture industry was in its infancy. Many years ago, the California Fish Farmers Association and the California Aquaculture Association (CAA) merged to bring a unified voice to California aquaculture.

Click here to view a list of statutes that laid the groundwork for aquaculturists and the aquaculture industry in California.

Many success stories can be found within this work, though we still have a ways to go. Many of the programs and goals set forth in the legislature have gone dormant. We find ourselves fighting the same battles, with other new fronts appearing every year.

I believe it is time to reignite these important foundational concepts and programs. Please form relationships with your local and state legislators. Send them this list. They will be surprised and impressed with how thoughtful and forward thinking our early aquaqulturists were in developing the vision of an aquaculture industry in California.

And as you review this work, please consider additional support to CAA, an organization that can and will continue to fight for the development and prosperity of aquaculture. Even a small donation over and above your membership dues will help tremendously.

Tony Vaught

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