
NCRAC Seeking Case Study Interviewees: Addressing Critical Aquaculture-Marketing-Oriented Applied Research and Outreach (Phase 2)

A team at Purdue University is creating aquaculture-related extension programming and resources for the NCRAC proposal,  Addressing Critical Aquaculture-Marketing-Oriented Applied Research and Outreach (Phase 2). In order to develop training material for aquaculture producers, the team is inviting fish farmers who market directly to end consumers and to restaurants and grocers to participate in case study interviews. If you are interested in being interviewed for this project, please contact Amy Shambach (info below):

NCRAC Proposal Title: Addressing Critical Aquaculture-Marketing-Oriented Applied Research and Outreach (Phase 2)

Project PI: Dr. Stuart Carlton

Funding Agency: NCRAC (USDA)

IRB status: This protocol has been reviewed by the Purdue Institutional Review Board (IRB protocol #2022-1221, title “Direct Marketing Case Study Interviews”) and we will protect your confidentiality in accordance with IRB policies.

Average interview time: 38 minutes

Interview Contact:
Amy Shambach
765- 496-4085