
Call for Papers: Special Session Seriola Aquaculture – Latest Advances in Farming

Hubbs-SeaWorld Institute is organizing a special session on the latest advances in Seriola aquaculture for the 2023 Aquaculture America Conference to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana February 23 – 26. The session will be chaired by Kevin Stuart ( and co-chaired by Mark Drawbridge (

Members of the genus Seriola are indisputably among the top finfish candidates for marine farming worldwide. Session organizers welcome abstracts pertaining to research and development of culture techniques from spawning to market. They also welcome abstracts describing experiences on working farms.

Please consider submitting an abstract to share your latest advancements to our understanding of Seriola farming. Be sure to indicate that you are submitting your abstract to the “Seriola Aquaculture” session by choosing that title as your topic from the drop-down list.

Contact the Session Chair Kevin Stuart ( for more information.