
California Sea Grant Award Nearly $630,000 in Yellowtail Research Funding

Improving production of this commercially ready marine fish for aquaculture will help reduce America’s reliance on imported seafood

Shrimp, salmon, tuna, shellfish — it’s no secret the vast majority of seafood Americans enjoy are imported. Indeed, a whopping 85 percent of our seafood is brought in from other countries, with nearly half coming from farm-raised sources. Reducing America’s seafood trade deficit has been both a priority and a challenge, but solutions are on the horizon.

Regulatory barriers are starting to come down for offshore farming in Southern California and the Gulf of Mexico — NOAA’s two initial Aquaculture Opportunity Areas; and land-based recirculating aquaculture systems, widely known as RAS, are already in place at several locations around the country with robust interest to add more.

What’s needed next is a steady supply of marine fish deemed commercially ready for farming…

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