
Free Webinar: Seaweed Farming in the United States

Please join a free webinar sponsored by the United States Aquaculture Society, the National Aquaculture Association and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

Title:    Seaweed Farming in the United States: Current Status, Challenges and Outlook

Date:    Friday August 26, 2022

Time:   1:00pm Central time

Registration: Click here.

Introduction: Seaweed aquaculture is an emerging industry in the United States. Several states are actively cultivating seaweed at commercial or research/investigative scale. Potential benefits of this new industry include job creation, increased revenue, diversification of products, and less reliance on imports. Despite three decades of research into developing the framework for domestic seaweed aquaculture, there are challenges preventing the industry’s expansion. This presentation will provide a brief overview on how seaweed (specifically sugar kelp) is cultivated, current challenges affecting the industry’s expansion, current efforts to address these challenges and current and investigative uses for seaweed.

Speaker: Anoushka Concepcion is an Extension Educator in Marine Aquaculture with Connecticut Sea Grant and UConn Cooperative Extension. Her programming focuses on supporting marine aquaculture stakeholders in Connecticut, including the nascent seaweed aquaculture industry and associated stakeholders. She collaborates with regulators and industry to address emerging challenges associated with seaweed aquaculture. Specifically, she assists with the development of guidance on potential human health hazards associated with seaweed grow-out and processing, market development and permitting. She conducts one-on-one consultations with prospective aquaculture producers regularly, conducts research to address emerging stakeholder needs, organizes workshops for industry and general audiences, and presents at various research conferences. Anoushka’s aquaculture background includes managing a microalgae lab at a shrimp hatchery in Florida, finfish aquaculture and husbandry, and ornamental fish culture.