
Action Alert: Comment on NOAA’s Draft Aquaculture Strategic Plan

NOAA is seeking public comment on its draft aquaculture strategic plan. See below a list of one-hour sessions intended to help shape this important document. Click on a date and time below to register:

These sessions are hosted by NOAA and will consist of a brief presentation, followed by public comments (three-minute time allotment per comment) for the remainder of the hour. Please register in advance.

During each meeting, NOAA staff will provide an overview of the contents of the draft aquaculture strategic plan, discuss next steps, and receive related feedback from the public. Each session will be recorded.

Public meetings ensure an inclusive and transparent process as NOAA works to expand sustainable aquaculture in the United States. Your comments are valued as we continue to refine our aquaculture mission and vision.

To view the draft strategic plan, visit this page. If you have any questions, please contact