
Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Now Accepting Pre-Proposals for FY23 Projects

The Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Competition is now accepting pre-proposals for FY23 projects. This program funds projects that address the needs of fishing communities, optimize economic benefits by supporting marine aquaculture, and increase other opportunities to keep working waterfronts viable. Awards will be up to $300,000 for up to a two-year period. The FY23 solicitation seeks applications that fall into one of two priorities:

  • Promotion, development, and marketing
  • Science or technology that promotes sustainable U.S. seafood production and harvesting

Submit a Pre-Proposal

This year’s solicitation consists of two separate submission processes. All interested applicants must submit a two-page pre-proposal through the Notice of Funding Opportunity page. Pre-proposal applications are due Monday, July 18, 2022.

After the review process, select applicants will be invited to submit a full application through

More information can be found on the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Competition page.

Informational Webinar

NOAA Fisheries will host an informational webinar on the Notice of Funding Opportunity on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET. Register here.