
New Poll Finds Majority of Voters Support Aquaculture & and the Need for Congress to Act to Expand Sustainable Seafood Production

A new survey commissioned by Stronger America Through Seafood (SATS) ahead of Capitol Hill Ocean Week, June 7-9, found that a majority of voters support establishing a U.S. aquaculture industry to increase sustainable seafood production.

“Now is the time for Congress to act and put in place federal policies that would establish an aquaculture industry in U.S. federal waters – and the majority of voters agree. According to our recent survey, more than two thirds – stated they would feel more favorable toward a member of Congress who established pathways for offshore aquaculture so the U.S. could benefit from the economic and environmental benefits that aquaculture provides. As SATS members meet with congressional offices this week during Capitol Hill Oceans Week, we will continue to urge Congress to act swiftly to put a clear regulatory pathway in place for American aquaculture,” said SATS campaign manager Sarah Brenholt…

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