
Import Shipping Water Treatment to Prevent African Swine Fever Introduction to the United States

Courtesy of NAA:

African Swine Fever (ASF) is caused by a highly virulent virus which kills or severely affects domesticated and wild pigs of all breeds and ages.  The virus is present in 50 countries (Europe, Asia, and Africa) and was recently discovered in the Dominican Republic.  For virus location information please consult the following website that are actively updating ASF information.

The virus is not present in the United States but represents a known and very real threat to US pork production.

As a precaution, the US Department of Agriculture requests that the water and shipping materials included with imported aquatic animals from known ASF positive countries be treated using these guidelines:

  • Disinfect, prior to disposal, all aquatic animal shipping containers with chlorine @ 20 ppm or Virkon® Aquatic or Virkon® S at 1000 ppm per OIE International Animal Health Code recommended procedures.
  • Disinfect all transport water @ 30 ppm chlorine. Chlorinated water should be neutralized after 1 hour with sodium thiosulfate OIE International Animal Health Code.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Kathleen H. Hartman, MS, DVM, PhD, Senior Staff Veterinarian, Aquaculture Health, USDA APHIS, Veterinary Services, at her office, 813-671-5230 x119, cell 813-451-8749, or email