
Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (OREHP) Scientific Advisory Committee Nominee Solicitation: Deadline Extended

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is requesting nominations for the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (OREHP) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC is mandated by the California Legislature to advise CDFW’s Director and the Ocean Resources Enhancement Advisory Panel regarding program activities. The goal of the SAC is to help ensure scientific integrity and transparency in science-based decision making.

The purpose of the OREHP is to determine if hatchery-released marine finfish can enhance stocks of wild species through increased hatchery production of fish and to monitor fisheries to assess hatchery contributions. The OREHP statute, Fish and Game Code (FGC) Section 6590, was recently amended, updating the program’s management processes and expanding the program’s capabilities and public-private partnerships. Currently, the focus of the OREHP’s research is on white seabass (Atractoscion nobilis).

Pursuant to FGC 6594.1, the newly required SAC shall provide recommendations on all the following:

  • Ensuring the documentation of the program’s scientific accomplishments.
  • Prioritizing program research activities based upon an independent evaluation of program research needs through consideration of:
    • Systematic data collection to inform adaptive management of the program’s enhancement activities.
    • The impacts of the program’s enhancement activities.
    • The incorporation of best practices in hatchery science to, among other things, maintain the genetic diversity of stocked species.
  • Identifying candidate focal species for enhancement or research potential.
  • Developing quantitative criteria, benchmarks, and timelines to be used in evaluating the program and its activities.

The SAC, as described in FGC Section 6594.1, will consist of six to ten members who have expertise in the following areas:

  • Fish genetics
  • Fish health
  • Marine aquaculture
  • Fish population biology or dynamics
  • Benthic or water quality
  • Stock enhancement or fish hatchery science

The SAC may also include members who have expertise in other areas that the Director and the OREAP determines to be relevant to the program. The Director will appoint all members to the SAC.

Each member of the SAC will receive $100 for each day of actual service performed in carrying out their official duties; however, total compensation will not exceed $500 for any calendar year. Additionally, the SAC will receive reimbursement for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the SAC or nominating an individual(s) to the SAC, please e-mail or mail a letter of interest demonstrating the nominees area(s) of expertise and CV to the OREHP Coordinator, Valerie Taylor, at or at 4665 Lampson Ave., Suite C, Los Alamitos, CA.

Please submit your letter of interest and CV by October 31, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Taylor at the e-mail listed above.