
Sea Grant Invites the Aquaculture Community to attend two virtual Aquaculture Research Symposia

Courtesy of NAA:

The National Sea Grant Program (Sea Grant) is hosting two Aquaculture Research Symposia to bring together researchers and their teams involved in projects funded through the 2019 competitions: Exploring New Aquaculture Opportunities, Social/Behavioral/Economic Needs in Aquaculture, and Advanced Aquaculture Research Collaboratives.

The first symposium will be held October 25-29 and will focus on projects funded through the Exploring New Aquaculture Opportunities and the Social/Behavioral/Economic Needs in Aquaculture competitions.

The second symposium will be held November 1-3 and will focus on projects funded through the Advanced Aquaculture Research Collaboratives (Hubs) competition.

Awardees will share their work and findings with other researchers as well as the aquaculture community. Each symposia will be composed of live talks by each project team followed immediately by time for Q&A and discussion.

To register for the Symposia (free of charge), click here.

For additional information or if you have questions, please contact Chuck Weirich or Mark Rath at