
Sea Grant: 2022 Aquaculture Funding Opportunities

The National Sea Grant College Program announces two federal funding opportunities to advance U.S. aquaculture:
Marine Finfish Aquaculture: Juvenile Production Technologies NOAA-OAR-SG-2022-2007054 (click for Notice of Funding Opportunity) Sea Grant anticipates approximately $5,000,000 will be available for research projects and programs that will advance marine finfish juvenile production technologies for aquaculture. Proposals are sought that support broad, non-proprietary research to address critical gaps with respect to marine finfish juvenile production technologies; make that information available to U.S. coastal and Great Lakes aquaculture businesses; and include Sea Grant aquaculture extension personnel and also preferably industry stakeholders. All proposals to this competition must be submitted by a Sea Grant program. Other interested entities must submit proposals in partnership with and through a relevant Sea Grant Program.
  • Notices of intent to submit are due November 9, 2021 (see formal announcement for details).
  • Full proposals are due January 27, 2022 (see formal announcement for details).
  • Informational webinar on October 15, 2021 at 2 pm ET (Link to join webinar here)
Early Stage Propagation Strategies for Aquaculture Species NOAA-OAR-SG-2022-2007053 (click for Notice of Funding Opportunity) Sea Grant anticipates approximately $4,000,000 will be available for research projects and programs that will develop and refine early stage propagation strategies for aquaculture species excluding selected marine finfish species for food. Proposals are sought that support broad, non-proprietary research to develop and refine early stage propagation strategies, such as reproduction, hatchery, and/or nursery strategies, for aquaculture species; make that information available to U.S. coastal and Great Lakes aquaculture businesses; and include Sea Grant aquaculture extension personnel and also preferably industry stakeholders. All proposals to this competition must be submitted by a Sea Grant program. Other interested entities must submit proposals in partnership with and through a relevant Sea Grant Program.
  • Notices of intent to submit are due November 16, 2021 (see formal announcement for details).
  • Full proposals are due February 3, 2022 (see formal announcement for details).
  • Informational webinar on October 15, 2021 at 3 pm ET (Link to join webinar here)
Further information is available at