

Call for Speaker Abstracts for Aquaculture America 2022 in San Diego

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The California Aquaculture Association (CAA) is soliciting abstracts for speakers for the CAA (full day) session at Aquaculture America 2022 in San Diego, California (February 28 – March 4). The CAA session theme and theme description are below.


Theme: California’s Aquaculture Journey: Where We’ve Traveled / Where We’re Headed

Theme description: What opportunities are available in California? What challenges are we facing? This session hopes to provide insight into these questions and many more, touching on a range of topics including the history of aquaculture in California, the current business and regulatory environment for both aquaculture and commercial seafood, aquaculture’s roll in addressing and combatting climate change, feed and sustainability, opportunities for aquaculture expansion within California, and much more.


We are encouraging presentations that acknowledge and provide insight on challenges, but that also focus on opportunities and ideas for improvement throughout the industry.

Below are questions that we hope our presenters will be able to address in their presentations:

  • California Aquaculture History: What’s your story?
    • Are you a second or third generation farmer/aquaculture entrepreneur?
    • Why did you and/or your family get into farming/aquaculture business?
    • How does your farm/business contribute to local communities?
    • What do you see as challenges and opportunities for the next generation of farmers or related businesses in California?
    • Will aquaculture become part of California’s future? Why or why not? What do you see as challenges and opportunities for the next generation of farmers or related businesses in California?
  • Contributions to California’s ambitions climate goals:
    • What technologies or best practices are you implementing to address climate change?
    • How is your farm/business impacted by climate change and climate change policies in CA?
    • What are challenges and opportunities for your farm/business in the changing climate, especially with California’s aggressive climate goals?
  • Business opportunities in California’s aquaculture industry:
    • What has been successful and what are the current business opportunities?
    • What does the future, near term and long term, look like for land-based aquaculture, coastal seaweed and shellfish, ocean finfish, shellfish, etc.?
    • What does it take to be a fish farmer in California?
    • What are the best business opportunities?
    • What’s species are best to grow offshore?
    • What is the true economic viability of RAS?
    • Fresh water is in short supply – can oceans be the next frontier?

If you are interested in presenting during this conference, please submit an abstract using the form found here. When considering your topic submission, please try to address one or more of the questions above. We hope to present authentic topics, which will be uniquely interesting to conference participants. The due date for abstract submission is October 1, 2021.


Submit an Abstract

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