
Funding Opportunity: eeBLUE Aquaculture Literacy Mini-Grants

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) are pleased to announce applications are now open for the eeBLUE Aquaculture Literacy mini-grant opportunity. The application package, applicant resources, and detailed information about the initiative can be found here.

Application Due Date:
April 2, 2021

Informational Webinar:
March 5, 2021 register here. The webinar will be recorded.

Funding Amount:
Maximum $15k for projects no longer than 12 months.

Brief Description: 
NOAA and NAAEE are interested in forging lasting partnerships between environmental education providers, aquaculture industry experts, and NOAA to achieve greater impacts on several levels. This competitively-based funding opportunity aims to support such partnerships by funding the co-development of aquaculture education programs that are responsive to the following goals of the Community of Practice for Aquaculture Literacy (CoPAL):

  • Bringing aquaculture education programming to institutions and/or target audiences currently lacking resources;
  • Building the capacity of environmental education providers to offer high quality programming in informal and formal settings by matching aquaculture communication needs with existing research; and,
  • Developing creative approaches for public engagement that promote a culture that values innovation, exploration, and community-relevant learning as a context for improving public aquaculture literacy.

The mini-grants are one part of an ongoing effort by NOAA’s Community of Practice for Aquaculture Literacy (CoPAL). CoPAL’s goal is to enhance support for sustainable aquaculture by increasing understanding of environmental and marine science topics among educators, professional networks, and groups involved in community outreach. In addition to forging lasting partnerships, the collective knowledge, skills, and products created through funded mini-grant activities will be integrated into CoPAL’s best practices for aquaculture communications and outreach.

To download the full Request for Proposals, please visit the eeBLUE Aquaculture Initiative web page. For questions, you can visit our FAQ Page, attend our informational webinar on March 5th, or reach out to the team at or Brianna Shaughnessy (