
USC Sea Grant 2021 Request for Research Proposals

The University of Southern California Sea Grant Program is soliciting preliminary proposals for projects of one or two years’ duration beginning February 1, 2022. The call identifies the interest in projects that focus on the “Urban Ocean,” USC Sea Grant’s primary theme, especially those pertaining to one of our four program focus areas: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Resilient Communities and Economies, Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development.

Of particular interest in this funding cycle are projects that develop ideas, information and techniques in the fields of water quality and land use management, effects on human and ecosystem health, climate change and coastal community resilience, urban wetlands, urban beaches, marine transportation, aquaculture, ocean renewable energy and public education.

University faculty and academic staff at California academic or research institutions are eligible to apply, and USC encourages interdisciplinary and inter-institutional projects.

For more information and guidelines for submitting preliminary proposals, please visit: