
Paul Doremus takes over as acting head of NOAA Fisheries after Chris Oliver departs

Paul Doremus has taken over as acting assistant administrator for NOAA Fisheries following the departure of Chris Oliver, who had served as NOAA Fisheries’ assistant administrator since June 2017.

Doremus has worked at NOAA for the past 16 years, including as chief strategy officer from 2005 to 2011, assistant secretary for conservation and management from 2017 to 2018, and chief of strategy and operations, as well as lead for seafood production and aquaculture from 2011 until his recent promotion.

Oliver, the former executive director of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, was a political appointee, and resigned during the transfer of power between former U.S. President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, who was inaugurated 20 January

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