As sea lice, algal blooms, temperature fluctuations and fish escapes continue to challenge salmon farmers, new cage systems have been created to address and surmount these concerns. Trondheim, Norway-based FiiZK’s semi-closed containment system (SCCS) is much like a land-based system at sea, with a cage containing a solid outer wall. Meanwhile, Kvarøy Arctic is building a new land-based facility with flow-through construction that will be up to 30 percent cheaper than a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) when it is completed.
FiiZK worked with Cermaq Norway from 2018 until 2020 to develop and implement its first SCCS, which is essentially a large, water-pressurized bag made of a flexible polymer material that creates an impenetrable barrier between the open ocean and the inside of the pen…
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