
EPA seeking public comments on a draft Rotenone ecological risk assessment

On Monday, EPA posted a Federal Register notice seeking public comment on their draft rotenone ecological risk assessment. You are encouraged to comment to the agency and refine or correct the draft by providing:

  • Any use (use sites) and usage (average and maximum amounts of rotenone applied, frequencies of applications, intervals between applications, precautions, etc.)
  • Any registration information and assumptions which are incorrect.

Re-registration is going to be a multi-step process. Once the agency is finished with the risk assessment they will post a notice for public comment on the Preliminary Interim Decision (PID). Associated with this posting will be a request for information describing the benefits rotenone provides. Benefits comments (value to aquaculture, managing pest species, etc.) are very important as the Federal Fungicides, Insecticides and Rodenticides Act (FIFRA) requires consideration of economic benefits as well as risks to make a proposed interim decision to continue registration of the active ingredient (rotenone), assuming EPA can make a reasonable certainty of no harm finding under the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA).

To submit comments, click here.