
FSA Offers a Variety of Farm Oriented Loans

By providing access to credit, the US Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, Farm Loan Programs offer opportunities for family-sized farmers and ranchers to:

  • Start, improve, expand, transition, market, and strengthen family farming and ranching operations
  • Beginning farmers, racial and ethnic minority farmers and women producers
  • Value-added, direct sale, organic, and specialty crop operations
  • Urban farmers and roof-top producers
  • Operations using alternative farming methods such as hydroponics, aeroponics, vertical farming, and freight container farming

FSA provides a guidebook that simplifies information on the types of farm loans available; how to apply for a guaranteed loan, direct loan, or land contract guarantee; what you can expect once you submit your application; and most importantly, your rights and responsibilities as an FSA customer. Click here to access the guidebook.

To access the variety of loans FSA offers, click on the highlighted title of each loan type.

Direct Operating Loans are used to purchase items such as livestock and feed; farm equipment; fuel, farm chemicals, insurance, and family living expenses; make minor improvements or repairs to buildings and fencing; and general farm operating expenses.

Microloans are operating loans designed to meet the needs of small and beginning farmers, non-traditional, specialty crop and niche type operations by easing some requirements and offering less paperwork.

Direct Farm Ownership Loans are used to purchase or enlarge a farm or ranch, construct a new or improve existing farm or ranch buildings, and for soil and water conservation and protection purposes.

Minority and Women Farmers and Ranchers loans support the full participation of minority and women family farmers in FSA’s farm loan programs by targeting a portion of its direct and guaranteed farm ownership and operating loan funds for minority and women farmers to buy and operate a farm or ranch.

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers loans provide credit opportunities to eligible family farm and ranch operators and owners who have been in business less than 10 years.

Emergency Loans help farmers and ranchers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters or quarantine.

Native American Tribal Loans are a valuable resource to help Tribes within the reservation to acquire land interests within tribal reservation or Alaskan community; advance and increase current farming operations; provide financial prospects for Native American communities; increase agricultural productivity; and save cultural farmland for future generations.