
RMA Invites Shellfish Farmer Leadership to Participate in an Information Exchange Conference Call

The USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) is seeking shellfish farmer input via a discussion on Federal Crop Insurance options for insurance for shellfish. Please see below for info from the USDA RMA:

Tuesday, February 25, 2020
1:00 PM-3:00 PM eastern
Conference Line:  1 (888) 844-9904
Access Code: 1980179

The Risk Management Agency (RMA) is the USDA agency that administers the Federal crop insurance program.

RMA is assembling this group in order to help aquaculture producers and groups better understand the Federal crop insurance program, and to help RMA better understand what shellfish farmers do, all with the goal of providing more crop insurance tools for your members.

RMA plans is to hold recurring calls with interested stakeholders. The first call will be an introduction to crop insurance, where RMA will provide information on their existing programs and on their processes for program expansion and new program development.

Subsequent calls will be held so growers and groups can ask RMA questions, RMA can ask groups questions, and RMA can provide regular updates on our activities with regards to aquaculture.

Your participation and time will be very helpful to the agency as they work to provide the best service that they can.

If you have questions, please contact:

Alexander Sereno, Director
Raleigh Regional Office
Risk Management Agency
United States Department of Agriculture
4405 Bland Road, Suite 160
Raleigh, NC  27609