
Western Regional Aquaculture Center: Request for Regional Research and Outreach Project Pre-Proposals for Funding Year 2021

Based on extensive input from aquaculture industry, extension and research representatives throughout the region, the Western Regional Aquaculture Center (WRAC) is seeking Pre-Proposals for nine research areas, listed here in no specific order or rank:

1. New and Emerging Species
2. Prevention and Treatment of Diseases Affecting Aquaculture Production
3. Aquaculture Opportunities Through Genetics
4. Characterization/description of Aquaculture in Western United States
5. Aquaculture: Applied Technology Solutions
6. Diet Nutrition/Innovation
7. Aquaculture Water Quality
8. Regulatory Obstacles to Aquaculture Development
9. Increasing Product Quality Through Farm Practices, Food Science, and Quality Control

Submission Deadline:

Pre-Proposals are due by 5 pm, Friday, April 3, 2020

For questions you may contact: Julie Hahn, Program Manager by email at: or Graham Young, Executive Director by email at:

Additional information can be viewed here.