
Milk, beef representatives urge seafood industry to join fight against plant-based incursion

National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO Jim Mulhern offers a simple piece of advice to the seafood industry regarding the wave of new plant-based analogs making their way into the market with an aggressive marketing message that their products are superior to seafood: Fight back.

Speaking on a panel titled, “Fishless Fish: The impact of plant-based and cell-cultured products on traditional seafood and other proteins,” Mulhern said the dairy industry “played nice” with what he called the “imitation milk” sector for too long.

“Four to five years ago … we decided not to play so nice and … deploy a new strategy, rais[ing] visibility of the issue with consumers, go to Capitol Hill to get legislators to pay attention and really put a spotlight on this issue,” Mulhern said. “I’m very pleased to see in the last five years it has now grown into much broader issue. It’s an issue for all of us producing natural foods in the protein category, and I’m optimistic about the prospects of action, and just raising the visibility of discussion, even among consumers … People want to know what’s in the food they’re eating.”…

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