
GOAL: “Antibiotic-free” certification for seafood likely to crop up soon

The use of antibiotics in aquaculture will likely become an increasingly important issue, according to a panel of experts at the 2019 GOAL Conference in Chennai, India.

The panel discussion followed a sobering presentation by Ramanan Laxminarayan – the founder and director at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics, and Policy – that detailed the growing risk that antibiotic-resistant bacteria is posing to health. By 2050, if effective methods of controlling antibiotic resistant bacteria are not found, roughly 10 million people could die annually.

As the public’s knowledge about antibiotic resistance grows, the aquaculture industry faces potential pushback over its own use of antibiotics. Relatively few government standards exist for antibiotic use in aquaculture, and some certification schemes don’t touch upon their use…

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