
California Fish and Game Commission Announces New Executive Director

Courtesy of CFGC:

The California Fish and Game Commission recently announced that Melissa Miller-Henson has been selected to serve as its executive director.

Ms. Miller-Henson has worked for the Commission for the last seven years as the program manager, deputy executive director and, over the last year, acting executive director.
“We’re very pleased that Ms. Miller-Henson is willing to serve this historic Commission in a new capacity,” said Commission President Eric Sklar. “She has a passion for the work of the Commission and brings a forward-thinking, innovative and collaborative approach to the job. She has demonstrated skill in working with diverse groups of stakeholders to address complex issues that she will continue to apply to the benefit of the state.”
Prior to the Commission, Ms. Miller-Henson directed the California Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision Project, managed the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative and served under five secretaries of the California Natural Resources Agency.
“We look forward to Ms. Miller-Henson’s continuing guidance at the dais,” said California Department of Fish and Wildlife Director Charlton H. Bonham. “She has the trust of many stakeholders and understands the Commission’s vast authorities. She brings expertise in collaborative problem-solving and has a strong vision for the future of the Commission.”
Ms. Miller-Henson officially begins in her new capacity on September 10.