
Updated Chapters and Appendixes to the Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance

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The Seafood HACCP Alliance has been anticipating the FDA’s recent (8/16/19) release of the new edits for the FDA Seafood Hazards Guidance. Unfortunately, the Seafood HACCP Alliance cannot obtain early access to the revised materials. Updates are being provided to the Alliance in the same manner that FDA will release updates to the general public: through the FDA website ( and through the FDA’s regular email mailing list, “Recently Posted Guidance Documents.”

These edits will affect all SHA training materials and a transition period will be needed to incorporate the revisions into the existing SHA training materials.  During this period, your training can continue with the existing FDA Guide.  Meanwhile, the SHA is planning to do all they can to support your training efforts with the most current information.

Some of the things that the SHA has done or is currently working on are:

  1.  A series of “zoom” sessions were conducted by the University of Florida on August 21 and 22 for the trainers that had open scheduled courses based on the AFDO website listing.  A video was made from these sessions and is available at the following link:
  2. The SHA is actively working with the University of Florida Bookstore to prepare a new bound version of the FDA Hazards Guide and will hopefully be available before the end of September.
  3. SHA/AFDO Training Committee will be advancing a plan to incorporate changes across all SHA/AFDO training materials. The new training materials will parallel with the production of the new FDA Hazard Guide.
  4. The SHA Executive/Steering Committee meetings will have a discussion about the new revisions at their fall meeting at the end of September.

As you go through the new revisions of the FDA Hazards Guidelines, please feel free to send us a list of questions that you may have.  The list can be forwarded to who will forwarded them to the appropriate SHA workgroup.  We will attempt to get answers for your and share them with all SHA Trainers.