
Request for Industry Input to Develop Western Regional Aquaculture Center (WRAC) Research and Outreach Priorities

The Western Regional Aquaculture Center (WRAC) is seeking input from aquaculture industry stakeholders and constituents to help develop research and outreach priorities, which will be the basis of the next RFP. This first step is critical to the success of matching WRAC funded projects to the needs of the aquaculture industry in the western region.

SUBMIT your priorities here – the survey is open now | DEADLINE: Survey closes on Monday, August 26, 2019


Information about WRAC’s process for determining research priorities:
The following is an overview of the steps taken to develop a list of research priorities (basis for “Problem Statements”). From this list of priorities, Problem Statements are drafted and used to solicit pre-proposals for new projects starting in FY2021: 

  • Input is requested from the Industry Advisory Council (IAC), Extension and Research Subcommittees (TC).
  • The WRAC Administrative Office (AO) compiles the ideas from the survey list and forwards them to the IAC members in late August.
  • The IAC convenes on Tuesday, October 8 (one day prior to the IAC/TC) to evaluate all of the information and develop a short list of key research problems from the Aquaculture Industry’s point of view.
  • The AO distributes the IAC list to the Technical Committees (Extension and Research) at the beginning of the IAC/TC Meeting for all members to review.
  • IAC/TC Meeting convenes on Wednesday-Thursday, October 9 – 10 where the research priorities are further discussed, consensus reached on the highest ranked priorities, and problem statements are finalized as much as possible. 
  • Following the IAC/TC meeting, the Executive Committee will ensure the “Problem Statements” are ready for the Board of Directors to review in November 2019.

More detailed information about the process and the regional requirements can be found in Section 3: Project Planning, from the WRAC Operations Manual

Your input is essential to the implementation of WRAC’s mission: To support aquaculture research, development, demonstration, and education to enhance viable and profitable U.S. aquaculture production for the benefit of consumers, producers, service industries, and the American economy.