
Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program 2020 Request for Proposals

NOAA Fisheries is pleased to announce that the 2020 Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant competition is now open.

The Saltonstall-Kennedy Program will award up to $300,000 for projects that encourage the development of environmentally- and economically-sound marine aquaculture as well as relieve fishing pressure and improve market availability of U.S. seafood products.  

The FY20 solicitation seeks applications that fall into one of two priorities:

  • Promotion, Development, and Marketing.
    • Promote better business practices to increase market demand for, and value-added of, U.S. commercial (wild caught and farmed) and recreational fish species.
    • Develop collaborative and improved regional, national, and global public relations and marketing opportunities that can position the U.S. seafood industry to increase domestic production and better compete in global markets.
    • Include marketing strategies which involve participation of the seafood industry locally, regionally, or nationally.
  • Science or Technology that Promotes Sustainable U.S. Seafood Production and Harvesting.
    • Directly impact fisheries (to include commercial, recreational, wild capture, and marine aquaculture) through the development of science and technology based pilot projects that lead to the strengthening of existing, or the creation of new markets and opportunities in U.S. fishing and aquaculture communities.
    • Demonstrate a direct need or benefit to the fishing and aquaculture community that connects all segments of the wild capture, marine aquaculture, and recreational fisheries supply chain from growing/harvesting to processing and marketing.
    • Include, within the scope of the project, participation of the seafood industry and/or fishing and aquaculture community.


  • Pre-proposals: July 30, 2019 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time
  • Full Proposals: November 12, 2019 by 11:59 PM Eastern Time

Please see the Federal Funding Opportunity for complete proposal details, qualifying requirements, and submission instructions.