
Asia top opportunity, plastic pollution biggest threat to UK shellfish sector

Marcus Coleman, the CEO of Seafish – the public body supporting the GBP 10 billion (USD 12.7 billion, EUR 11.3 billion) U.K. seafood industry – has been busy studying whether global seafood industry trends offer opportunities or threats for the United Kingdom’s shellfish supply chain.

In his recent presentation at the Shellfish Association of Great Britain annual conference, Coleman focused on the threat that plastic waste poses to the United Kingdom’s seafood industry.

Asia is set to be a hugely important market over the next 30 years, with an expected doubling in demand for meat and seafood to around 420 million metric tons (MT) per year, to satisfy the appetites of increasingly affluent Asian consumers, Coleman told SeafoodSource. By 2050, South Korea is forecast to have the highest per capita/per year seafood consumption in Asia, while China will remain as the largest market by volume…

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