
Offshore Wind in California: Advancements on the North Coast

California, that state of iconic ocean wildlife and technological innovation, has a chance to chart yet another groundbreaking course. With support from local communities, developers, environmental groups, and former Governor Jerry Brown, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is taking steps toward a lease sale for offshore wind development. Reflective of that momentum, this Friday, May 3, California State Senator Mike McGuire, chair of the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, will host a hearing titled, California’s Fisheries and Wildlife: Can they co-exist with Offshore Wind Energy Development? The hearing will take place in Eureka, the area of the Golden State many consider to be best positioned for the first floating offshore wind development in California.

Federal and state agencies have the opportunity to blend California’s leadership on climate action and marine protections to create yet another shining example of smart ocean policy and energy innovation. The result—floating offshore wind energy—could be an enormous contributor to reaching California’s zero carbon energy targets, if we get it right…

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