
Alternate-Use (Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms) Expo Seeks Project Proposals

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Alternate-Use Expo | Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms

Background: Of the twenty oil and gas platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel, ten are currently shut-in. Of these, the operators of six platforms have announced that they will not restart production. These platforms are now in various stages of planning and permitting for decommissioning. In all decommissioning scenarios, the wells will be capped, and the oil and gas facilities will be removed. However, over the next several years decisions will be made regarding the disposition of the steel structures that currently traverses the water column from the seafloor to above the surface.

These structures are unique in their design and location. They were engineered to support significant loads and withstand severe ocean conditions and have proven to be both reliable and safe in supporting oil and gas activities and human habitation for decades. The options currently being discussed for their disposition are either to remove them fully or to leave the underwater portion as artificial reefs. However, for most platforms, the structures, themselves, have significant useful life remaining.

There is extensive public interest in the issues of decommissioning and alternate-use of the oil and gas platforms within the Santa Barbara community.

Proposal: The Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce and the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum propose to conduct a public exhibition of projects that utilize the decommissioned structures of the offshore oil and gas platforms after the wells have been capped and the oil and gas facilities removed. The “expo” would provide individual displays that describe projects and/or concepts for reuse. Although not exhaustive, it is expected that proposals will be made in the following areas:

  • scientific and oceanographic research
  • aquaculture
  • alternate energy generation and storage
  • desalination

Purpose: To inform and educate the public on the various options that are available if these platforms are allowed to remain in place and are opened up for reuse.

Date: November 2019

Location: Santa Barbara Maritime Museum, Santa Barbara, CA 

Exhibit Details: Exhibits may utilize posters, handouts, video, models and other media suitable for the public.   

Any interested parties should contact Michael Lee at

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