
New Aquaculture Funding Opportunities

Courtesy of NOAA:

Regional Oyster Aquaculture Consortia Funding Opportunity 

Each Interstate Marine Fisheries Commission is making approximately $850,000 available annually for the funding period of August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2024 (dependent on appropriations). The funding goal is to form Research Consortiums that will focus on oyster genetics, disease, environmental interactions, regulatory challenges and, economic modeling. Additionally, regional partnerships are encouraged to classify and preserve natural genetic variation in oysters.

Deadline: Pre-proposals must be submitted as a single file by e-mail no later than 5:00 p.m. CST on Friday, March 15, 2019.

Please see the request for proposals below for complete proposal details, qualifying requirements, and submission instructions.

Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission: Request Regional Oyster Aquaculture Research Consortia

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission: Request Regional Oyster Aquaculture Research Consortia

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Request Regional Oyster Aquaculture Research Consortia

Sea Grant Aquaculture Funding Opportunities

Advanced Aquaculture Collaborative Programs – 2019

The National Sea Grant Office anticipates at least $9,000,000 will be available to support the establishment of collaborative programs to build the capacity of Sea Grant and its partners to advance aquaculture in areas where a foundation of knowledge and activity currently exists, but where significant barriers to sustainable domestic marine and Great Lakes aquaculture remain. These collaborative programs will serve as geographic or topic-based hubs for fully integrated, transdisciplinary research, outreach, and education that will provide broad, non-proprietary support and investment for building and/or enhancing an aquaculture industry.


  • Letters of intent: April 15, 2019
  • Full proposals: May 15, 2019

Exploring New Aquaculture Opportunities – 2019

The National Sea Grant Office anticipates $1,500,000 will be available to support Sea Grant-led aquaculture projects to catalyze work in a range of topics or geographies. This competition will fund diverse, and at times, high-risk, developmental projects that will envision, explore and advance aquaculture opportunities where a minimal foundation currently exists.


  • Letters of intent: March 26, 2019
  • Full proposals: April 24, 2019

Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research Needs in Aquaculture – 2019

The National Sea Grant Office anticipates around $3,000,000 will be available to support research to address critical gaps in social, behavioral, and economic knowledge as it relates to U.S. aquaculture and the communities impacted and served by it. The initiative is informed by the National Strategic Plan for Federal Aquaculture Research; the Sea Grant 10-Year NOAA Sea Grant Aquaculture Vision; and previous research from federal, state, and university scientists.


  • Letters of intent: April 2, 2019
  • Full proposals: May 1, 2019

The National Sea Grant Office will host an informational webinar about the three aquaculture-related funding opportunities on Monday, March 4 at 3 pm Eastern. Register or join using this link.

Please direct questions about these Sea Grant funding opportunities to