
Nordic Aquafarms chief: Humboldt County can play key role

Last week Nordic Aquafarms made the decision to pursue final due diligence for a land-based fish farm on the Samoa Peninsula in Humboldt by signing a lease-option agreement with the Harbor District in Humboldt.

If our due diligence and permitting goes as we hope, this project will bring major investments, good paying jobs, tax revenue, and many business opportunities for local businesses in the area. Our assessments so far strongly indicate that this location is perfect for our land-based fish operation.

Land-based fish farming is an unfamiliar concept for many people in California, and we understand that there is a need to provide as much information as possible. To sum up, we are producing fish in indoor facilities with a series of independent tank systems. The benefit of our design is that the risk of fish escape is eliminated. Discharge of nutrients is dramatically reduced, and the nutrients are recycled for other uses. We remove the hosts for sea lice and other parasites out of the ocean, thus we do not impact wild salmon populations. For these and other reasons, a number of respectable environmental organizations such as the Atlantic Salmon Federation, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and Conservation Law Foundation have written letters of support for our similar project in Maine…

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