
2019 Farm Bill Includes Provisions Benefiting US Aquaculture

Courtesy of NAA:

The compromise Farm Bill negotiated by Senate and House conferees has passed the Senate and House and moves next to the President for signature.  The legislation contains provisions sought by and needed by U.S. aquaculture. 

Whole Farm Revenue Protection
As a result of efforts led by the East Coast Shellfish Growers Association and supported by the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association and the National Aquaculture Association, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Risk Management Agency (RMA), has been instructed to modify the Whole Farm Revenue Protection program to include aquaculture. Within 18 months after the President signs the Farm Bill, RMA is hold stakeholder listening sessions to modify this program to include aquaculture, remove the insurance cap on livestock, and treat the different growth stages of aquaculture species as separate crops to recognize the difference in perils at different phases of growth.  The Whole Farm Revenue Protection is an agricultural insurance that uses lost revenue as a means to assess animal or crop losses rather than animal inventory which has been very problematical for livestock grown underwater. For additional information about the current program, please visit:

FMCSA Livestock Definition Expanded
As a result of efforts by the National Aquaculture Association, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) definition for livestock used within their rules governing long haul truck driver hours of service has been modified to include all fish and crawfish. After the President signs the Farm Bill and agency rule modification, baitfish, ornamental fish, grass carp and crawfish will benefit from waivers, exemptions and rule provisions specific for all agricultural livestock that accommodate the specific needs of delivering healthy animals on-time and in a manner that is safe for all highway travelers, live fish and the people that deliver them.

Agriculture Genome Research
The Farm Bill authorizes $40 million per year for the next five years to support increased efforts in genomics research on agriculturally important animals to address critical goals including: (1) understanding how environment and production systems impact the growth and productivity of livestock, poultry, and aquaculture to help predict and improve performance under variable conditions; (2) leveraging livestock, poultry, and aquaculture genomic information with phenotypic and environmental data to assist in selection of superior genetics and improved management; (3) understanding gene function in production environments to improve livestock, poultry, and aquaculture performance; and (4) developing improved data analytics to enhance understanding of the biological function of genome sequences in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture.

In addition, the five Regional Aquaculture Centers and the National Aquaculture Policy Act have been re-authorized for the next five years.

The NAA Board of Directors greatly appreciates and thanks NAA members, state and regional aquaculture associations and friends that spoke to or wrote, called or emailed their House and Senate members in support of these provisions.  Without your political and financial support of the NAA’s advocacy efforts these provisions would not have been included in the Farm Bill.  If members have questions or comments about the Farm Bill, please contact the NAA Office at 850-216-2400 or