
New Reports Highlight Landings, Value and Economic Impacts of U.S. Commercial and Recreational Fishing

NOAA Fisheries released two national reports profiling the increasing strength and economic importance of U.S. fishing and seafood industries.

Fisheries of the United States (2017) Fishing and seafood consumption in the United States increased in 2017, with landings and value of U.S. fisheries continuing a strong, positive trend. Across the nation, American fishermen landed 9.9 billion pounds of fish and shellfish in 2017, while the U.S. imported 5.9 billion pounds of seafood, up 1.6 percent. The recreational harvest was estimated at 397 million fish weighing 447 million pounds. Of note in 2017–the average American ate 16.0 pounds of fish and shellfish, up a significant 1.1 pounds from the year before. 

The 11th edition of Fisheries Economics of the United States (2016) provides the most up-to-date economic statistics on commercial and recreational fisheries as well as seafood-related businesses for each coastal state and the nation. In 2016, the U.S. commercial and recrational fishing industries continued to demonstrate their importance to the national economy by supporting 1.7 million jobs, generating $212 billion in sales, and contributing $100 billion to the Gross Domestic Product. 

Both reports and detailed summaries can be found here.