
Marine Resources Committee Meeting November 14, 2018

The Marine Resources Committee with be holding a meeting on November 14, 2018 in Sacramento, California. Meeting details and agenda can be viewed below:


Committee Co-chairs: Commissioner Sklar and Commissioner Silva

Meeting Agenda November 14, 2018, 9:00 a.m.

Natural Resources Building Redwood Room, 14th Floor
1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

  1. Approve agenda and order of items
  2. Public comment for items not on the agenda

    The Committee may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this item, except to consider whether to recommend that the matter be added to the agenda of a future meeting. [Sections 11125, 11125.7(a), Government Code]

  3. Staff and agency updates

    Receive updates from staff and other agencies on items of note since the last Committee meeting.

    1. California Ocean Protection Council
    2. Department
    3. Other
  1. California coastal fishing communities project

    Receive staff update and public comments on coastal fishing communities project staff report, and discuss next steps and possible recommendations.

  2. Red Abalone Fishery Management Plan (FMP)

    Discuss next steps in addressing peer review recommendations and completing the FMP .

  3. Shellfish aquaculture best management practices (BMPs)

    Receive update on progress developing a proposed regulation to require BMP plans for state water bottom leases issued by the Commission for purposes of aquaculture, and discuss next steps and possible recommendation.

  4. Offshore marine aquaculture

    Receive Department overview of a programmatic environmental impact report that will evaluate a proposed regulatory framework governing future offshore marine aquaculture in California.

  5. Marine Life Management Act master plan

    Receive Department update on next steps for implementing the 2018 Master Plan for Fisheries.

  6. Lobster Advisory Committee stakeholder report

    Receive presentation from Heal the Bay concerning its report evaluating lessons learned from the Department’s Lobster Advisory Committee process, derived from stakeholder surveys.

  7. Future agenda items
    1. Review work plan agenda topics and timeline
    2. Potential new agenda topics for Commission consideration