
Land-use efficiency study puts aquaculture on a pedestal

With mounting pressure on natural resources, NCEAS compares fish farming to terrestrial agriculture

Aquaculture is the future of food.

At least, that was the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Focused on land-use implications of traditional, terrestrial meat production, the study found that aquaculture can, if carefully planned and implemented, meet the protein demands related to the growing global population without causing additional strain on land, water or our other natural resources.

In fact, the industry can play a major role in reducing the footprint needed to produce food in the future, creating a more sustainable food system for us all.

Who knew?

“We were motivated by the larger global considerations and challenges of the ever-growing human population and our dependency on land to produce that food,” explained lead author Halley Froehlich, a postdoctoral researcher at NCEAS, which is part of the University of California at Santa Barbara. “There is a finite amount of that resource. So, what does that mean for sustainability and larger conservation considerations?”…